Friday, February 24, 2012

To the Theater!

When AK and I went to see The Nutcracker in December, we picked up a flyer for a production especially for 2-4 year olds.  AK was thrilled that there might be a "show just for him!", so I bought tickets for B3 and me to have a day at the theater.  The show was Hello, Elly!, based on the book, The Elephant and the Tree by Jin Pyn Lee.   I admit it; I was a little skeptical; the ad said we'd all be sitting on the floor.  A room full of 2-4 year olds on the floor who are expected to sit and watch a show?  I had my doubts. 

Today was theater day, and I think AK was more excited than anyone else; she's been telling him for days about the elephant  play he gets to see.  Her last words to us as she got on the bus were, "Have fun at your elephant show!".  We took the bus, which is a thrill for B3 any day, so we were off to a great start.   We were a little early, and B3 immediately started asking where the elephant was.  He's not particularly fond of the elephants we met at the zoo, so I was a little concerned.  He was definitely happy to be there, despite the promise of elephants.

I shouldn't have worried. Once the show started, he was completely thrilled. The show took place all around where we sat, and we the three actors were fun and engaging.

The forty minute show managed to tell a story about friendship while exploring the ABC's with a little tree-hugging thrown in for good measure.  He loved it!  There's another show for this age group in April, so we'll explore that one, too  Perhaps we'll go on a Saturday and take AK with us. 

Evidently, he was worn out by our morning adventures because his nap hit harder and earlier than usual. But not before the tractors were played with and Pancake was snuggled. 
Maybe I just can't resist a picture of this boy while he sleeps. A favorite quote from a favorite author comes to mind....
"There was never a child so lovely but his mother was glad to get him to sleep.”
 ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

1 comment:

Jean said...

Well written as usual and a good ending!