When I asked her where she got this fabulous recipe, she grinned and tapped her head. "My brain!", she said proudly. "I imagined it!"
At supper time, I finally remembered to ask about it again. She was more than happy to dig it out of her backpack.
It reads:
Majic Food
[Those squiggles beneath 'Magic Food' are "what you always see coming out of a scientist's experiment..." she said]
1 cup rice crisBise
1 3/4 sugerr
2 cups choclet
2 cups velveta
sugar in bowl
She's so excited to try her creation, so we've decided that Saturday will be Marion Test Kitchen Day. We have cautioned, however, that we'll be making a trial run with much smaller amounts while trying to maintain proportions. Perhaps tablespoons instead of cups will work. I may be able to convince her to cut the sugar back a little, but the girl does have a sweet tooth.
I promise to let you know how the final product turns out. If I survive the taste test!
Sounds very magical!! I can't wait to hear how she likes it. :)
Inga would love to try it! We have the same idea about the sugar!
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