Friday, February 18, 2011

And the Birthday Fun Continues!

In all of the action of the past weeks, I forgot about AK's birthday celebration at school. We didn't have a big party this year; the circus and 2 rounds of family fun was sufficient.  But, she wanted to take a treat to school. I tried to convince her that individual ice cream cups (with those cute wooden spoons!) and sprinkles would be fun. Nope. She wanted those Harris Teeter sugar cookies with an inch of icing on top.  No amount of persuading could sway her vote.  Her daddy was on her side; she gets her icing loving genes from him.  So, I took the cookies on the Tuesday after her birthday.

  She got to choose a friend to sit by her, and of course, she chose Savannah. 

She truly loved being the star of the day and being sung to!

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