Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Sick Day

After 5 weeks of everyone being healthy, the streak is broken. B3 had a runny nose last week which escalated over the weekend to a nasty cough and fever.  We managed to find a nebulizer over the weekend, so we started his usual medications before heading to the pediatrician on Monday.  The poor taxi driver kept looking at us as he drove; he must have thought I was in the back seat pinching B3 to make him cry and moan.  He was just miserable!  The pediatrician didn't have any available appointments, so we had to just show up and hope for the best.  Thankfully, we were out of there in about an hour, with a bag of 5 drugs in hand. 

 Monday brought breathing treatments every four hours,
Lots of snuggles,
and about a thousand viewings of his newest favorite video, Cars. 

When the Motrin kicked in, he even enjoyed a little snack in the window while he read to his best pal, Pancake.

So far, Tuesday has brought a much better B3.  The fever is reduced, if not gone, and his breathing is better.  the air quality was horrible yesterday, so we're staying inside today.  So, there are more breathing treatments, more viewings of Cars, and lots and lots of cars in the den.

I think he'll be back to normal in no time! 

Speaking of normal....what's 'normal' for B3 has long been small and quiet.  Well, guess what? He's growing...AND talking!  There's a pile of the cutest little boy clothes in the top of the closet.  Little stripes and plaids and monograms and memories all folded and stacked.  Little size 12-18 (even 6-12!) month things that I packed to bring just 6 short weeks ago. Under different circumstances, it might be bittersweet to see him grow out of those little things.  Considering, however,  that he wore these clothes last Summer, too, we're happy to see them go...the boy is growing!!  His feet are growing, too.  He's outgrown three pair of shoes, and we're going to live in Crocs and sandals we bought just last week until our shipment arrives.

He's beginning to use more and more words, too.  His pronunciation is dreadful, but he's talking.  We're hearing more and more 3 word phrases, and for the first time ever, he's actually mimicking a little.  All of the words are sweet, but my favorites are, "Yes, Ma'am!".  I think he knows I love that, because it's always accompanied by a sweet grin.  We're hoping to restart therapy soon.

B3 still loves anything that digs, lifts, rolls, flies, or has a siren.  He also enjoys brushing, drying, clipping, and combing hair, although he may leave us all bald before he learns more gentle styling techniques.  He's learning to count in the elevator, and he loves to push buttons...both the literal kinds in elevators....

...and his mother's figurative ones.

He's growing up!


Chrystal said...

I'm so thankful sweet Ben is feeling better! We prayed for him at Bible study Tuesday. And growing AND talking?!? Yeah!! What awesome news!! Maybe Singapore is just what he needed. :)

Donna said...

SO glad that B3 is growing!!! I know you are, too:) I love reading your blog, Kristin, and keeping up with all of your new adventures. Oh, and I'm laughing at that little hand helping you in the kitchen with the tatoo still on the hand:)